Some businesses are operating at reduced or altered opening hours for now. This is to protect the safety of their staff and customers. Those who are opening take the health and safety of their staff and customers very seriously - if visiting a business you must sanitise your hands on entry (even if you have 'just' done it in another shop), wear a facecovering (unless exempt) and follow any number limits or one way systems in place. This is important to keep us all safe and able to open for you.

While we await any further announcement or guidance from the Scottish Government or local authority, we will attempt to keep a list of business opening information up to date on this page. We will also publish any other helpful information received from businesses as we recieve it ourselves.

Please remember to adhere to the rules to keep us all safe - do not visit other households, clean or sanitise hands regularly, wear a face-covering in indoor public spaces, keep 2metres distance and book a test and isolate if you have any symptoms.

Please click on the image to enlarge. Updated at 9.35am on Monday 22nd March.

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