Let's Go Lerwick is a range of fun activities designed to encourage physical activity and sustainable and active travel during European Mobility Week which takes place between 16th – 22nd September. The activities are free to take part in and all you need to do is turn up at the place, date and time of the event, so Let’s Go Lerwick!
Throughout the week, customers of Lerwick town centre businesses have the opportunity to enter a free prize draw for the chance to win a physical activity wristband tracker. All customers need to do is leave their contact details with participating businesses. Winners will also receive information and advice on European Mobility Week themes, getting more active and the health benefits of exercise.
- Ten mini vikings will be located around Lerwick to encourage people to be active, get out and walk and explore until they find them all.
- There will be free Adult Cycle Training at Sound School car park next to the playing fields from 10am to 12 noon on Saturday 17th September.
- A free Adult Bike Check and Maintenance up to the value of £20 is available at the Shetland Bike Project on Saturdays 17th and 24th September from 10am to noon.
- NHS Shetland will be leading relaxed and very social walking groups around the South End of Lerwick. Everyone is welcome and people should meet at the Market Cross on Tuesday 20th September at 12.30pm and Thursday 22nd September at 5.30pm. The walks will last no more than an hour.
- Russell Gair will be hosting a running for beginners, back to basics, open evening on Tuesday 20th September at the Clickimin Running Track from 5.45pm. Everyone is welcome no matter your experience or fitness levels.
There is also a Step Count Challenge between competing teams of five staff from Lerwick town centre businesses, NHS Shetland and Shetland Islands Council. The Step Count Challenge aims to get people thinking about more sustainable and active means of commuting to and from work and throughout the working day and reducing the number of short urban car journeys.
The week culminates in the ‘Car-Free Day’ event on Thursday 22 September which is the perfect time to use the ZetTrans travel information app and leave the car behind. People can buy a ZetTrans/SIC Travel Card on board the bus and get 20% off their fare.
James Johnston, Active Schools Manager with Shetland Islands Council said, “The European Mobility Week project with Living Lerwick is a good example of how we can work closely with individuals, communities and partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors to generate ideas, solve problems and meet physical inactivity challenges. We hope that this event encourages people to become more active in their daily lives and look for more active and sustainable modes of travel to and from work and during the working day.”
European Mobility Week is an annual campaign on sustainable urban mobility. The aim of the campaign is to encourage European local authorities to introduce and promote sustainable transport measures and to invite people to try out alternatives to car use. This year’s European Mobility Week encourages us to reflect on the economic advantages of choosing more sustainable travel modes, such as cycling, walking, collective or public transport, and of course cleaner vehicles.
Living Lerwick Manager, Christena Irvine said: “This project has given us a great chance to see how partnership working between Living Lerwick Ltd, Shetland Islands Council Sport and Leisure Service and NHS Shetland can bring benefits and external funds into Shetland. Living Lerwick accessed the funding for it through BIDs Scotland”.
For full details on how to get involved, visit the Living Lerwick Facebook page.