Living Lerwick has received funding from the Scotland Loves Local fund to assist with the winter 'Buy Local' campaign being delivered on behalf of town centre businesses in Lerwick.
The £1 million Scotland Loves Local Fund aims to empower communities by enabling local delivery, giving them support and guidance to help them achieve aims important to them. The fund encourages communities to ‘love local’, recognise the importance of their local areas, and actively engage and develop them.
The fund is adminstered by Scotland's Towns Partnerships on behalf of the Scottish Government as part of the Covi19 support initiatives.
Living Lerwick applied for a share of the national fund to deliver a series of local advertising initiatives during winter 2020/21 and was awarded £3,550.00.
This has been used to distribute Christmas shopping and activity leaflets through The Shetland Times, produce and run a Buy Local Christmas radio advert on SIBC and publish online advertising through Shetland Times and Shetland News websites. Further plans include additional local advertising and awareness campaigns during January and February.