Lerwick Shopping Week 2018 came to a close on Sunday with a spectacular day of weather to round off the week.
The town centre was busy with many shops open, and over 2000 cruise passengers in town for the day. The second Lerwick Lanes Fun Run also took place in the morning with a modest number of runners, all of whom put in an impressive performance running up and down town lanes – including twice up and down the formidable Bank Lane!
Race winner, Lukas Gaertner, finished with a time of 9 minutes, 9 seconds in the senior category. Second place was Steve Day and Carl Simpson came in third. In the junior category, Kate Frank, who accepted the dress-up challenged, finished first with a time of 13 minutes, 51 seconds while dressed as Olaf the Snowman. Jaden Grant took second place for the juniors.
In other competitions, Lewis Catto won the jar of sweets from Universal Stores and the Outdoor Trek prize draw winners were: First prize - Vango tent, Gordon Wadell, second prize- £25 gift token, Jane Best and third prize- Original Buff, Nicola Sutherland.
The new town centre mascot, Maunsie the Market Cross, made his way round a few local shops, ending up in the VisitScotland Tourist Office on Sunday. 36 bairns made their way round the town finding mini-Maunsie’s in shop windows and Tiylor Owen was chosen from all the entries to win a £20 gift token for Harry’s.
Project Manager, Emma Miller, said “It was such a fine week of weather to get out and about, and we’ve had some great feedback on how good the town centre is looking this summer. Hopefully there were a few bargains had, and folk enjoyed taking part in the activities that the shops put on.”